Are you on the Cloud yet?

Covid has impacted our lives and businesses, in more than one ways.

From a business technology standpoint, one thing that astounded us is the accelerated adoption of Cloud technologies. You might have witnessed traditional businesses embraced collaboration solutions enabling staff to work from home, restaurants jumping on online platforms and even our favourite Hawkers, actively adopting digital payment solution. You could feel the digital transformation train being fast tracked.

With Phase 2 re-opening, we have seen our fair share of businesses doubling down on Cloud solutions investment, as they seek to create deeper efficiencies in efforts around finding new propects, closing deals faster as well as elevating service levels to better serve existing clients. During the course, we do come across those which are apprehensive of the Cloud. Let’s talk briefly on the worries that you might have

1. My business is too small to be on the cloud

One great benefit of Cloud technologies is the democratisation of technology, meaning making technologies more accessible to all businesses. Amazing technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, that used to be accessible to large enterprises, is now made afforable to even a small set up. So you are no longer too small to be on the cloud

2. I no longer own the data

We get this a lot. Fact is for companies providing software or platform as a service, tend to have clauses protecting Client’s data and limitations around them accessing or using your data. Make sure you read the fine prints and go with a reputable provider.

3. I am worried about security

If your concern is around cybersecurity threats, cloud solutions providers invests heavily on security solutions, as they understand the impact it would have to their clients as well as their business, when a breach occurs.

4. I do not have any expertise / knowledge on cloud

A very valid concern. It can be catastrophic to embark on cloud without the right knowledge. Hiring a team is an option, if time is on your side. One common approach is to work with a Consulting team to Jump start your transition. This helps to mitigate risks as well as coaching existing team.

5. I am locked in to a provider and at their mercy

Similar to a Telco subscription service, no one likes to get locked in with a non-performing service provider. Our thoughts are select one that could meet your current needs as well future requirements. This would avoid business disruptions. If you are really unhappy with the service, most providers provide means to ‘port’ your data out.

To Sum Up

Cloud solutions has totally changed the IT landscape. While there are concerns and risks, with the right solution and right implementation help, it brings great benefits and opportunities to businesses, particularly Small Medium Businesses.

As an impact-focused Consulting firm, our certified and experience Consulting team has helped numerous businesses overcome concerns and transition successfully to the cloud, on reputable platforms like Salesforce, Heroku as well as AWS.

If you are looking to move your business to the cloud but uncertain how to go about it, we are more than happy to help. Drop us a note, we could always have a chat.

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